Services are provided by appointment only. Your scheduled appointment time is reserved specifically for you. While one hour is typically scheduled for an appointment, you will only be seen for 50 minutes. The remainder of the time is used to maintain a clinical record.
Phone Calls
I am available to return calls Monday through Friday between the hours of 9am and 8pm. If you leave a message for me and I do not respond within twenty-four hours, please call again to ensure that my phone system worked properly.
If you need to make more than occasional calls that are other than scheduling related, I may encourage you to increase the amount of time we have together in the office. I have found this to be the best way to address your needs. Where phone consultations are necessary, and it lasts more than ten minutes, you will be billed for the time, which will appear on your next statement. I will inform you at the time if you will be billed for the phone consult. You will not be billed for routine scheduling or information calls. In case of an emergency, please call your own medical doctor or go to your local emergency room.
Normally, Appointments cancelled with less than 48 hours notice will be charged at the regular fee. If an emergency arises and you cannot keep your appointment, please call so that we can discuss the possibility of rescheduling. I also ask that Monday appointments must be cancelled by Friday 8PM.
Thank you for scheduling an initial appointment to meet with me. I look forward to learning about you, your current concerns and your goals for therapy. Please click on the link below to download my Office Policies and Forms for you to fill in before you come to your first session.